Art of Addressing Public

  • Prerequisites

– A university degree in media,

  • Course Description

Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) said “Eloquence can be magical” knowing how to address people in appropriate way can be a key to success in life. No media professional can be successful unless he or she possesses the skill and the art of addressing audiences. No manager can be successful in his/her job unless they have the skill and the art of addressing audiences. The same goes true for politicians, lecturers, teachers, practitioners or even sales executives. To be successful and influential all these need to have the skill of diction and good presentations. But why people do fear to speak before a public? why some are some individuals introverted and frightened when they face audiences? And why is it that negative thoughts dominate some people at this very moment preventing them from expressing themselves or even driving them to malfunction during discussions, meetings and official or private events. This course will expose participants to the latest skills and applications that will help them get rid of stress and fear and enable them to clearly and effectively organize their thoughts and gain self-control.

  • Course Objective

At the end of the course, participants should:
– Be able to get rid of tensions, fears and negative thoughts which prevent them from speaking
– Acquire the skills and qualities of a good orator (speaker)
– Be able to deal with different kinds of audiences and know how to speak to them
– Acquire the skills of presentation, introduction and good preparation

  • Course Outline

– Qualities of the good speaker
– General rules
– The 8 preparation questions
– Public analysis matrix
– The different public levels and how to address them
– Auto programming – getting rid of negative programming – acquiring positive programming
– Fear ( the ten major fears, reasons of fear)
– Treating the fear of addressing the public
– How to overcome stress – the focus point
– Voice and body language skills
– Gaining awareness of the voice and its functions
– How to control the body language (standing, movement, face expressions)
– Presentation and delivery skills
– Strategy of Personal Motives
– Pre-presentation strategy
– Skills of good preparation
– General organization of the lecture (planning, preparation, structure, delivery, performance evaluation)
– Strategies and skills to be used during the presentation
– How to wrap up (conclusion)
– Dealing with the public:
– Skills of dealing with the public
– Managing the public in a smart and convincing way
– Dealing with different types of audiences
– Secrets of an excellent and well- inspired speaker
– The power circle and the treasure of profit and influence
– Flexibility
– Concentration
– Good exploitation of the modern technologies

Course Benefits

– A graduation certificate accredited by Oakridge Academy.